P.B.L This Term

This term our P.B.L is about discrimination, how can we speak up against discrimination. Here is a brief brain storm about it.
Disclaimer: I am not meaning to offend anyone I have just written what I have learnt about discrimination.

Sexism, racism, Ageism, and Ableism are some of the main discrimination that are happening in the world.

Sexism is being bias against genders and one of the genders having better privileges against the other Example:Not letting women work as much as men.

Racism is when people are against other races and them having lower rights then everyone else
Example: Not letting colored people into restaurants.

Ableism is being against people who have a disorder and not letting them join in to other activities.
Example:Not letting them play a game because they have a disorder.

Ageism is being against different ages other then your own and excluding them in everyday life.
Example: Not letting them work with you because they are too old or too young.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have taken something away from this.

Have you ever learnt about discrimination?


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