Mahatma Gandhi Bio

Hi and welcome back the last two week we have been working on a biography. We got to choose who it was on and write about how they are a great person her is my bio on Mahatma Gandhi:

Mahatma Gandhi

Early Life
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on the 2nd of October 1869. He grew up being the youngest of
his fathers fourth wife. His mother devoted her life to religion  dividing her time between her home and the
temple. She did not care much about jewellery or the fancy lifestyle but devoted her life to the temple
instead. As he started his education he took an interest to the classics of Hindu literature and he started to
study the teaching of Jesus Christ. He started his career as a lawyer and became popular while he was
fighting against racial discrimination in South Africa.

April 1930 was when Gandhi lead the famous salt march also known as the Dandi march. From the 12th
of March to the 2nd of April Gandhi walked 388 kilometres from Ahmedabad to Dandi, to produce salt
from seawater. Thousands of Indians joined and it sparked large acts against British salt laws this alone
ended up leading 80,000 Indians to be imprisoned. Although it didn’t lead to anything major it did get
exposed to the media and made people realise what was actually happening in India.

Gaining Independence
After world war 2 started Gandhi started the Quit India Movement demanding an end to the British rule of
India on the 8th of August 1942. He said in his Quit India speech it was do or die. Within hours of his
speech almost the entirety of the Indian National Congress was imprisoned within hours. Large protests
and demonstrations were active all over India even with the lack of leaders.The british arrested over
100,000 and hundreds were killed. Though the British managed to contain every protest it made them
realise that it was now impossible to rule them. After world war 2 ended British indicated that the power
will be India's so Gandhi called it off and around 1000,000 prisoners were released.

Gandhi was most famous for leading successful non-violent protests and he made people see what was
happening and how bad the discrimination was.  He was definitely one of the best leaders for leading
people into doing what was right and sacrificing their life for it. He not only was a huge part in India
gaining its independence he devoted his life into saving the people who were imprisoned, sick,
discriminated and even helping those who were doing wrong to do right. At the age of 78 Gandhi took
part in a fast in order to stop the sectarian killing. The leaders agreed to stop killing after five days. But he
was shot dead ten days later by a hindu. This was just another example of how he devoted his life into
something he believed was right.

Gandhi was a person who persevered in life he didn’t let people tear him down and always fought for
what was right even if that means going through hardships. He has been through and seen everything
from right to wrong and us as people did not treat him how he should have been treated but even then he
was still happy because he did what he wanted to do. Gandhi once said “Happiness is when what you
think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” This quote is very important for living a life you
want to live, if you are happy where you are now then everything that happens you should be happy about.

Have you ever written about Mahatma Gandhi?


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