Leadership Groups

In school the year 8s get the chance to be in a leadership group the different groups are:
*The Arts- Dance, Music, Drama, Visual art
*PALS- Physical activities leaders
*Media Team- Showing learning across the school.
*Environment- Keeping the school healthy and safe.
*STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
*Googlers- Technology/robots

To get into these groups we had to write a letter to the teachers saying why we would be good in our groups we had to do this for our first and second choice just in case if we didn't get into our first. This was my letter:

Dear Kaupeka Teachers,

My first choice is the Arts because I have a interest in all of the different arts and I like teaching and leading others about things they have not done before. Creating and leading a safe environment is very important for their learning and I can present that for you. There are lot's of different styles of arts and it is good to cover most of them to learn them to the full capacity of the subject and I would love to be a part of both learning and teaching.

My second choice is Pals because leading and teaching people the different sports is fun and helping people go outside their comfort zone to learn new things. Encouraging students to grow with the different range of choice is vital to their lives and I believe that I am capable of doing so.

In the end I got into the arts group and we have been organising what to do for the term and here is what we have come up with so far.
*Talent Show
*Lunch time workshops to help people with different arts
*Lunch time clubs/activities

What group would you have chosen and why?


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