P.B.L Driving Question

This term for our P.B.L the driving question is what will the future ask of us? In our hub we have been having lot's of discussions about this here is what we were talking about.

We first talked about our world problems and what the top 5 would be here are some examples of our world problems.

*Climate Change/Global Warming
*Corrupt Politicians
*Mental Health/ Illness
*Unnecessary Drugs/Addiction
*Poverty/ 3rd World Countries
*Over Population

We then started talking about how technology has evolved so much because soon enough robots/AI will starts taking our jobs and replacing people. But for people we have things that robots don"t have like: Emotions, Creativity, Originality, and we are able to connect with other people. We watched some videos about how much tech has evolved and to be honest it can be very scary because they potentially take over everything we have. We then made a padlet and shared all our ideas and discussed what makes us different then robots and what skill sets will be valued in the future. I think that for us o succeed we have to be able to be flexibility to what changes and creativity, originality and new ideas will be very valued because that is some of the only things robots cant do.

What is your opinion on all of this


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