My Memoir

This term for writing we got to chose a few activities and you had to write a memoir for the end of year prize giving here is mine:

There are many subjects and activities that made an impact on me from Saint Francis Of Assisi but the
science fair was the one that stood out the most to me it taught me a lot of information about my
project, working with others in a certain environment and managing our own time. There were many
things that Phoebe and I had to do to get to the end product.

First we of course had to do our research otherwise we wouldn't have any information for the base of the
project. Phoebe and I were focused most of the time and on task to get what we wanted done. Once we
finished all of our research it was time for the experiment. This included going over to each other house
to perform the experiment and tallying up the results and honestly me and Phoebe never wanted to eat
another marshmallow again. Next was the last stage the presentation, Phoebe and I printed, cut, glued
and presented together.

The time when I realized that this made an impact on me was when it came time for the experimental
stage because it got you and your buddy involved with everything and taught us how to manage our own
time with what we had. In this project I did not have any regrets because I chose someone that I would
work well with and get my work done. My advice to others how are going through this or about to go
through this it to keep on working no matter how many times you fail or get knocked down by others
keep trying until you succeed.

Have you ever written a memoir before?


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