Shared Lunch

Hi and welcome back to the first blog of term 4.
This term is all about different cultures.
Today we had a shared lunch but the shared lunch was not normal because a few days before that we picked a country name out of a hat and so we had to bring food in from that country.

I picked out the country Wales so we got into groups by finding the people that had the same country as you and we discussed what food we would bring. My group decided to bring in pickets and cheese on toast because pickets came from Wales and cheese on toast was a common meal in Wales.

Driving Question:  How do we successfully design, build, market and sell a product, that meets the needs of our cultural diverse community?  

Our next project for the term is to get into groups of four and come up with something that meets the need of our cultural diverse community. When our final product is done we are going to do a market day which is on Tuesday the 4 of December.

What cultural food have you tried?


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