A Series Of Unfortunate Events Book Review.

Hi guys and welcome back to the first week of term.

Across the end of term 2 and the holidays I have read A Series Of Unfortunate Events there are 13 book in total they are called: The bad beginning, the reptile room, The wide window, The miserable mill, The austere academy, The ersatz elevator, The vile village, The hostile hospital, The carnivorous carnival, The slipper slope, The grim grotto, The penultimate peril, and the last book The end.

I would rate this a 4 out of 5 because there was so much effort that went into this series and with an incredible amount of detail in the books.

Story Description.
(WARNING There will be spoilers in this so if you want to read this series I suggest going some where else.)
There are 3 children Violet being the oldest, Klaus the second oldest, and lastly Sunny the young toddler. They lived in a great house with their mother and father, they had a wonderful library so Klaus read A LOT and he was very smart for his age. 

Violet was very creative and loved to build things, when she needs to think and wants to start building she ties her hair up with a ribbon. Sunny the youngest always bites thing the table, the chairs, the doors and anything she could find that was solid she would bite. Instead of speaking normal English she would speak gibberish and her siblings would know what she was meaning. 

One day they were out at the beach and Mr. Poe a bank owner, gave them some devastating news about their parents that they have perished in a house fire so they had to live with a relative.
Instead of living with a real relative Mr. Poe was tricked into thinking that a man called Count Olaf was their closest relative. Count Olaf was an evil man, he never wanted to look after them, he just wanted them for their huge amount of money they now have from their parents death since they were rich.

So from there the rest of the books when down hill and in every book there would be an unfortunate event that would happen and the children would have to put their skills up to the test. They have survived from a vile village to a snake that was named the most deadly snake.(But it turns out that in the story it was one of the most friendly snake and it was just the name).

Have you ever read a book from this Series?


  1. Hi Alexis, I have not read any books in this series but you do make them sound interesting. Remember when you write a review you can have books marked off on your pizza wheel. Also remember capitals with proper nouns and titles.


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