
Showing posts from November, 2019

Haiku Poem

In writing we have been working on different types of poems. Some examples of different poems are: Haiku, Limerick and Cinquain. For my poem I decided to do a Haiku poem. We watched different videos on what each poem is to get a good understanding of poems. We brainstormed some ideas on what the poem could be about and we all talked about what each poem presents. Here is mine: All work on a list With more hair ties on my wrist Always got more tips On how to make my work slick Sun beams around me With my Friends surrounding me Art in my bloodstream With my cat always on scene Music in my brain And Managing to sustain Have you ever written one of these poems before?

Reading Workshop WK7 T4

This week for reading we have been looking at some poems for one of them we had to comment on the poem and say what this makes you think of. In our poems we have been reading between the lines and finding what image comes up in your mind. Here is mine: Link to doc We also did the same but this time we would draw what we imagined. Here is mine: Have you ever done something like this before?

Top Team

Last week on Friday our hub did top team. Top team is when you get put into a group and play small activities with your group. The people in my group were Katie, Arihia, Max, Flynn, Nicolas and I. For each activity you group would get points based on how well you did. There different activities were: *Tic Tac Toe *Water Bus *Hoop Throwing *Ski's * Invisible Maze *Pipe Carry *Maze Puzzle *Plug The Pipe *Sling Shot *Sack Race *Walking Race Have you done top team before?

Tough Kids

Last week on Wednesday we went to tough kids it is like a mud run with around 2000 people running at once. It was really fun because there was obstacles and my favorite was when we would have to run through the deepish water and I was sooo soaked afterwards. We were near the beach so we could run in the water. We weren't too muddy after and it was really fun because we didn't have to run competitive and we could do it with our friends. Another thing that happened was that the changing rooms were so crowded you could hardly stand up right.  The different obstacles were: *Mud crawl *Plank walking *Water at the beach *Tire climb *Fence climb *Water slide *Bouncy castle *Crawl under bridge *Rope obstacle *Hose When we arrived back to school it was before lunch time and we still had to do school work but we arrived in time for lunch so we got a break. Have you ever done something like this?

Sports Rotations

For the last few weeks every Thursday we have been rotating between 4 sports in our home base's: Cricket, Lawn Bowls, Softball and Korfball. Korfball is a new sport to most of us in class and it is a bit like netball but with a few different rules during game. In Korfball instead the hoops were plastic and taller than the usual hoops. My home base has done all of them except Lawn Bowls and in our next rotation we will be doing that. Have you ever played Korfball before?

Making Predictions

This week for our reading workshop we had to make prediction on a piece of text and comment weather or not is was correct or incorrect. Here is the piece of text we read: Here is my create task: Making Prediction Google Drawing Have you ever made predictions of text before?


Last week a company called attitude came in and talked about puberty. Yes puberty but they also talked to us about relationships and how our emotions can change. Did you know that the first thing that grows I our bodies are our feet and hands. When we are growing up our friendships can change and our relationship with our family can too. Our hormones can get in the way too as we are growing which leads to us being really emotional or angry. We did a few activities like we had to name all the changes that both boys and girls go through and we also watched a video about how much the internet can change a person. Another big thing that can happen to us is that we may compare ourselves to other or think we are not enough, which is when we should learn to love ourselves. Have you ever heard of this company before?

Fake Or True Articles

This week for reading we have been looking at fake and true articles we tried to identify which article was fake and which was true. Can you identify which is the fake article? Article One Article Two Here is a padlet with some questions we would answer on: Can you tell which article is fake?

Information Report

This term we are writing an information report about a country. We got to choose what country to write about and I chose South Korea. First we had to make a plan we have to write 7 paragraphs and a conclusion. We then categorized where each information should go in terms of different paragraphs so it flows better with the help of our teachers. We then found a bunch of information and wrote it in a doc while doing this we had to remember to link where we got the information off so we can credit them at the end. Once we have finished our plan we would then start putting our information we found into structured paragraphs. Here is my plan: South Korea Paragraph 1/Introduction *Population 51,240,568 as of Tuesday, November 5th, 2019. It is estimated that the population of South Korea makes up 0.66% of the world. Link *Location It is In Asia near and the Pacific ocean. Link *Flag Link *Language Korean *Climate  (January) -5 degrees celsius to -2.5 Celsius ...

Camp This Term! :)

Last week my hub went to camp! It was sooo fun and we did so many new activities like:  *Raft Build *S/L Orienteering *Search And Rescue *School Led Activity *Archery *Coasteering *High Ropes *Kayak Singles *Kayak Doubles *Out Door Living Something I have Learnt...  In camp is that in almost every activity working together s a crucial key, if it is from being in a team or just moving something heavy together with another person. Some skills I have learnt is basically how to live out doors e.g build a fire, shelter and how to find a lost person. I also learnt how to belay in high ropes. Something I Am Grateful For... Is to even be able to come to this camp and being able to spend time with my peers, teachers and instructors/parents. I am so grateful to have such amazing teachers and parents/instructors to organize and lead this camp so we as students can learn and have fun. I am also so grateful for our teachers making all of our food bec...